Launching today is the new look Oceanity website. The content of the website has remained largely the same, but with a heavier focus on photography.

I've increased the size of the photo library to the point where it makes far more sense to describe it as a stock media library. The print options have been removed, leaving the download license options as the only available ones for purchase. The download options have always been the most popular choice on the previous website (by quite a margin), and eliminates the sometimes problematic issue of printing, packaging and shipping around the world.

Ocean Stock Photo Library

The stock photo library is a collection of my best photos across the years, which I am continuously building. Download licenses include fall into the same categories: Commercial, Social and Personal. Commercial Licenses are available for anyone who wishes to use the photos in a commercial footing. This means it is ideal for use in print materials, online materials and products. Personal Licenses are for exactly what you'd expect: personal use. This means you can use it as your phone background or print it as many times as you like - as long as it's just for yourself. The Social License is the most interesting one. It is allowed to be used commercially but only in a digital medium. Perfect for use in blog posts or on social media. All of these licenses are non-transferrable and can't be used to resell the image. Copyright still remains with the photographer but the licenses are non-exclusive, worldwide and perpetual.

It's an exciting time for Oceanity. Even though it's just a small step forward it will be a platform that will slowly grow and evolve to take Oceanity towards a brighter future.

Stay salty.